- Sat, Mar 22Ottawa location TBD
- Sat, Jan 25Online workshop
- Sat, Jan 18Ottawa
- Sat, May 11Ottawa
- Tue, Mar 19Virtual workshop
- Sat, Feb 10Wakefield
- Sat, Jan 20Chelsea
- Sat, Jan 13Virtual workshop
- Sat, Nov 04Maplewood Hall
- Sat, Oct 14Black Sheep Inn Communitea Greenroom
- Tue, Oct 03Richelieu-Vanier Community Centre
- Sat, Jun 10Wakefield
- Tue, May 09Online event
- Sat, Apr 01Vitual event
- Tue, Mar 28Vitual event
- Tue, Mar 07Ottawa
- Sat, Jan 21Virtual Event
- Tue, Dec 13interactive virtual event

By The Fireside
Enhance your well-being, slow-down and turn inward. To care for others, we need places to care for ourselves. By the Fireside is a daylong retreat for professional or family caregivers.
Receive a day of self-care in a soul-nourishing retreat environment. Become grounded in yourself through self-exploration, body-centred movement and focused dialogue with other caregivers. By working with reflective tools, connect and nurture sources of healing and wisdom within. Clarify what supports and prevents you in integrating self-care into daily life. Designed for renewal and the cultivation of self-compassion.
At the end of the day, this retreat date can include an evening thermal spa experience
at Amerispa-Cantley.
Fri, Apr 20th, 2018
9:00am - 4:30pm
Private group
Hidden Sorrow Sacred Ground
Some losses are kept in the shadows, either because they are unseen or perceived as unacceptable, shameful, or unworthy of grief. Some expressions of mourning are judged and shut down. A gathering to honour hidden sorrows and your right to mourn.
At the end of the day, this retreat date can include an evening thermal spa experience
at Amerispa-Cantley.
Sat, Dec 2nd, 2017
9:00am - 4:30pm
Prices include tax
By The Fireside
Enhance your well-being, slow-down and turn inward. To care for others, we need places to care for ourselves. By the Fireside is a daylong retreat for professional or family caregivers.
Receive a day of self-care in a soul-nourishing retreat environment. Become grounded in yourself through self-exploration, body-centred movement and focused dialogue with other caregivers. By working with reflective tools, connect and nurture sources of healing and wisdom within. Clarify what supports and prevents you in integrating self-care into daily life. Designed for renewal and the cultivation of self-compassion.
Fri, Nov 24th, 2017
9:00am - 4:30pm
Prices include tax
#MeToo - The Truth Mandala
A Ceremony for Healing
Co-hosted by the Mill Road Community Space, Chelsea, Que.
This is an invitation for anyone who identifies with the #metoo hashtag; that is, anyone who has ever been sexually harassed or assaulted.
This Truth Mandala is a ceremony for honouring and transforming the pain that results from sexual violations for the purposes of personal and community healing and action. It’s based on the ‘Work that Reconnects’ by Joanna Macy.
Limited space - Registration required
Sun, Nov 19th, 2017
1:00pm - 5:00pm
8 Mill Road, Chelsea, Quebec J9B 1K8
Suggested donation $10
or pay what you can
The Terrain of
Grief and Mourning
The faces of grief are many: death, relationship loss, loss of home or homeland, health and job losses, severence from ancestral stories and rituals, sorrow for the degradation of the earth and more.
Pause, connect, learn about the natural, necessary process of grief and mourning. Receive tools to attend to the large and small losses that touch each of our lives and a supportive process to honour the needs of grief. Experience the new vitality that happens when the pain of loss is welcomed rather than avoided or resisted.
Sat, Oct 28th, 2017
9:00am - 4:30pm
Prices include tax
The Yoga of Healing:
Uniting mind, body & spirit
Join Swami Satyananda for a workshop that supports the grieving process.
Hosted by Heart Land
The journey of yoga is a healing journey. What needs to be healed? What makes your life worth living?
Take time to go inward and nurture yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, in a compassionate space. This 2 hr evening workshop will focus on experiencing tools for tending to the mind and heart in grief.
Thurs, Oct 26th, 2017
7:00pm - 9:00pm
255 MacKay Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1M 2B6
Event Poster for Print
Prices include tax