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We don't always recognize in our own workplace or community that there are many people, from youth to seniors, who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide. In fact, it’s more common than most people think.


Heart Land offers this internationally recognized suicide alertness training (developed by in

½ day and full day formats as listed in options A & B below. 

Plan a training in your

workplace or community


Upcoming training on

February 25th, 2018


“Having personal experience with a family member who has attempted suicide, this training has given me the courage to be willing to address thoughts of suicide directly and to be prepared to listen.” 

1/2 Day safeTALK training


safeTALK is a half-day alertness training that prepares anyone over the age of 15, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper.

Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t want to die—instead, they are looking for a way to work through the pain in their lives. Through their words and actions, they usually invite others to help them in making a choice for life. safeTALK teaches participants to recognize these invitations, engage with the person with thoughts of suicide, and connect them with resources to help them be safer from suicide. 



OPTION B:  (recommended)
Full Day safeTALK Enhanced training


This daylong program is the result of what we learned from having offered safeTALK many times within the context of multi-day group trainings and as a stand-alone training.   Compared to safeTALK stand-alone training events, the longer timeframe allows participants:

  • more opportunities to address fears and concerns and to role play, resulting in greater confidence in their ability to respond skilfully to situations where suicidal thoughts may be present.

  • to benefit from feeling more safety and trust in the group.  When this is in place, participants are more likely to raise questions, comments and concerns relating to safeTALK content.  These dialogues provide more learning for everyone. 

  • Space and support to integrate memories and experiences evoked by the training.  





safeTALK is one of LivingWorks internationally recognized training programs to support their goal of creating suicide safer communities around the world.

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